Application for 2023 DIWPA International Field Biology Course in Lake Biwa

coordinated by DIVERSITAS in the Western Pacific and Asia (DIWPA)

DIVERSITAS in the Western Pacific and Asia (DIWPA) is an international network for the promotion of cooperative studies and information exchange on biodiversity in the Western Pacific and Asia. The term of “Western Pacific and Asia” is used in this proposal to intend to cover East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Melanesia, Micronesia, Australia, and New Zealand. DIWPA aims to connect existing networks of people working on biodiversity and research projects in Asia and the Western Pacific. 

One of the main functions of DIWPA is capacity building of scientists in particular young scientists from developing countries. We DIWPA will have “2023 DIWPA International Field Biology Course in Lake Biwa, Japan” where graduate and undergraduate students in the Western Pacific and Asia will learn together aquatic ecology including basic limnology in lakes, fundamental ecological and/or biodiversity studies on plankton, benthic invertebrates, data analyses and database preparation. The details are as follows. Motivated students, who belong to DIWPA or whose supervisors are the DIWPA members, are highly welcome for applying. 


  1. Date:
    From 20 to 26 August, 2023 
  2. Accommodation:
    LIVELY MINAMI KUSATSU (Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan)
  3. Site:
    The program is going to be conducted in Lake Biwa and its satellite lakes.
  4. Financial Support:
    DIWPA provides a stipend to a successful applicant to cover the expenses for accommodation and travel from your country/region. 
  5. Application:
    The participants of this course should be talented graduate or undergraduate students whose supervisor is the DIWPA member.  

    Applicants should prepare the following documents.
    (1) CV
    (2) A statement about their interests in the field of ecology
    (3) Recommendation letter written by the supervisor
  6. Application deadline:
    May 31, 2023
  7. Application submission:
    Submit applications to DIWPA office by e-mail.
    Only a successful candidate will receive the details by the mid of June.
  8. Report submission
    A successful applicant will be asked to submit a report which will be published in DIWPA Newsletter. 

    Professor Shin-ichi Nakano
    Ms. Akiko Seki
    DIWPA Office
    Center for Ecological Research,
    Kyoto University
    2-509-3 Hirano, Otsu
    Shiga 520-2113, JAPAN