Three categories of members participate DIWPA; institutional members, individual members and supporting members. Individual members include scientists and citizens. DIWPA welcomes any organization or individual, including those who are outside the region of Western Pacific and Asia, as long as interested in the biodiversity in the region. Financial support is sought by governmental funds and supporting members.
Number of members of DIWPA on September 10, 2020
Country | Number |
Australia | 6 |
Bangladesh | 12 |
Brunei | 1 |
Cambodia | 2 |
Canada | 1 |
China | 46 |
Fiji | 7 |
Finland | 1 |
France | 13 |
Germany | 1 |
Hungary | 1 |
India | 22 |
Indonesia | 23 |
Ireland | 1 |
Japan | 107 |
Korea | 8 |
Laos | 1 |
Malaysia | 38 |
Mexico | 1 |
Country | Number |
Mongolia | 2 |
Myanmar | 1 |
Nepal | 1 |
Netherlands | 2 |
New Zealand | 4 |
Papua New Guinea | 4 |
Philippines | 11 |
Russia | 32 |
Samoa | 1 |
Singapore | 6 |
Sri Lanka | 3 |
Taiwan | 15 |
Thailand | 16 |
U.K. | 2 |
U.S.A. | 17 |
Vietnam | 7 |
Zambia | 2 |
TOTAL (36) | 406 |