DIVERSITAS in the Western Pacific and Asia (DIWPA) is an international network for the promotion of cooperative studies and information exchange on biodiversity in the Western Pacific and Asia, under a close cooperation with its mother program, DIVERSITAS (transferred its activities to Future Earth since 2012), organized by ICSU, IUBS, SCOPE and UNESCO. The term of “Western Pacific and Asia” is used in this proposal to intend to cover East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Melanesia, Micronesia, Australia and New Zealand.
The main functions of DIWPA are (1) promotion of research projects and science on biodiversity in the Western Pacific and Asia, (2) promotion of governmental and nongovernmental activities for the conservation and utilization of biodiversity, (3) facilitation of information sharing and research cooperation on biodiversity, and (4) capacity building of scientists in particular young scientists from developing countries.
DIWPA aims to connect existing networks of people working on biodiversity and research projects in Asia and the Western Pacific. DIWPA is not an overarching organization; it is instead a flexible network of networks.